“Transform your approach, management, and alignment with pivotable Mortgage Partners to grow GCI and transaction”

You built the team and platform - Now look outside your team to push your GCI and result higher!

Evaluate opportunities and partnerships

Access your partners, opportunities, and roles that best align with your tech stack vision, brand, and RE team.  Shift your mindset with your revenue model, defined roles, and activities towards managing an integrated team instead of the traditional segmented, multi-team model.

Track, Review, and Grow Results

Move to a single dashboard to provide results for your combined teams down to a details level. Move out of silo management to plan and lead the buildout of both processes in your CRM. Set the right expectations for all roles to deliver consistent results, reporting, and pipeline stages. As you grow, allow your CRM manager or VA to manage key segments and events to role clarity

Manage your operations as a cohesive team

Build out your workflows, lead routing and handoffs across your entire CRM and sales funnel. Provide specific role clarity and accountability to granular lead management. Improve oversights, elevating milestones, and team collaboration. Reduce fragmented communication, tracking and missed tasks.

Boost efficiency and attraction with advanced strategies.

As your approach, management, and role change, deliver strong efficiencies and a brand that attracts others join both teams with your team. Tighten up your scalability to grow your reach with your vision and combined team. Recruit to your brand and team because of the value creation, defined roles, and leadership for your team for both potential mortgage and real estate teams.

Case Study – Create clear VA Roles that impact results

Case Study: Create, utilize, and segment a Virtual Assistant role around your Tech Stack to power your growth and GCI

Two actionable strategies to implement immediately.

Schedule a Discovery call

Learn more about what we can do and how we can help you and your team leverage their technology, increase efficiencies and Drive GCI

  • The includes 3 programs shown on RE Professionals page with enhance reporting and custom program design.

  • No contract, month to month agreement

  • Yes, this is strongly encouraged to review your objectives and goals as well as each individual team to determine if this is the best fit